The Last lamps at Salina, Kansas plant

Any sort of fluorescent Light fittings, lamps, CFLs basically anything that has a fluorescent tube! Any experiments or basically any info or help anyone needs post it here!
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The Last lamps at Salina, Kansas plant

Postby Funkybulb » Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:51 pm

Here Is Signify Lamp plant in Salina ,Kansas USA lamp plant rolls off last of it 8 foot HOs With Special Etch indicating the last lamps produce that day. This was last standing major 8 foot production in the US. As Signify had to make lamps for other big two in this size. Here the video for The Last Lamp being rolled off the line signaling end of production in North America.

Now there only two fluorescent lamp maker left in the US
That producing lamps but Light-source that produce voltarc lamps for Signs still churning out lamps in Hungary for 8 foots.

The Other one is Servant (GE) making 4 foot T12s and T8s up to 6 footers.
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Re: The Last lamps at Salina, Kansas plant

Postby FrontSideBus » Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:55 pm

Fluro pretty much dead and gone at this stage :(

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