New Lamp Ratings?

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New Lamp Ratings?

Postby Mrstreetlight » Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:40 pm

My father brought these off Amazon today and the rating for the lamps is E?

I hear from Cobbett apparently there is a new rating for the amount of Lumens from a lamp?

Anyway thought this was interesting how LED is rated so low!
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Re: New Lamp Ratings?

Postby fluorescent » Mon Feb 14, 2022 7:48 am

Ah yes, energy rating ‘goal posts’ have been moved yet there's no easy way to tell if you're looking at the older chart (these would be A or A+ probably) or the new. This makes things confusing even for people in the know.

Surprised these lamps are 4w and have 4 filaments, most manufacturers cheap out & only use two or three and overdrive the snot out of them!
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