How the street light has been given a hi-tech makeover

Anything at all to do with street lighting! Thats everything from vintage to modern! Their control gear, columns or just anything you need help with! You name it, post it here!
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How the street light has been given a hi-tech makeover

Postby amtrakuk » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:34 pm

BBC report:

At least Paris has declined LED purely from the lack of warmth and colour LEDs have. Tonight picking up The Radar confirmed yes, LED street lighting is a cold light washed out light a kin to moon light. At least SON give a warm "sunset" feeling.
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Re: How the street light has been given a hi-tech makeover

Postby AngryHorse » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:38 am

But theres nothing stopping them using warm white diodes!, as for all this `smart control`, well you only have to look at todays useless node systems!
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