Going rate for BC fluorescents

Any sort of fluorescent Light fittings, lamps, CFLs basically anything that has a fluorescent tube! Any experiments or basically any info or help anyone needs post it here!
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Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby lasagafield » Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:27 am

If anyone was to sell a bayonet capped fluorescent tube what is the going rate for them?
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Re: Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby fluorescent » Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:06 am

Good question, and something I've wondered before. I've yet to see a "steampunk, vintage, rare, collectable" (etc.) style listing for a bayonet cap fluorescent tube, by which I mean where one is listed for sale at a ludicrous price with all them keywords in the title. I've seen three listings for BC fluorescent tubes on Ebay over the last 3 years or so:

The first was a box of modern-ish Sylvania tubes which were actually just bi-pin tubes which had plastic bayonet caps crimped on the end (from the factory). They were very cheap, IIRC they were not much more than £20 for a full box.

The second listing was for about half a box of Philips white from 1974, I bought those for what I consider a very reasonable price :-)

The third was for a job lot of 90x warm white tubes which someone here bought and they got shared out at a meet for £2 a piece.

To conclude, I don't think they're worth much personally, they're just hard to find
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Re: Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby lasagafield » Mon Feb 18, 2019 4:54 pm

Wouldn't mind picking a few up if possible.
Would have thought they'd cost quite a bit especially NOS.
Gonna try an make a meet one of these days.
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Re: Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby Slyspark » Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:50 pm

Was me who sold those BC tubes a few meets back for a couple of quid a tube. I might still have a few left....
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Re: Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby jonny-m » Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:39 pm

I'll be attempting to save a few atlas bc fittings as soon as possible but they have no tubes. All been smashed so i may be after a few myself in the future. I'll keep one fitting if I get them so others will be available if I can save them that is.
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Re: Going rate for BC fluorescents

Postby AngryHorse » Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:08 am

I’m surprised they even come up for sale given how rare they are now?
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