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Shame 8ft coloureds were never made.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:52 pm
by Danny
Just been putting coloured tubes in all my fittings around my room for Christmas, then I thought to myself, I wonder what I could put in the 2 8 foots that are the closest coloured tube in 8ft is... I'd been sat here for a short while thinking hmm maybe colour 54-765 is about as blue in coloured you'll get along with a Deluxe Natural 85w in the other 8 foot. I Walked out into the back bedroom and BINGO My 8 foot Rosetta is staring right in my face! I'd forgot about that! That's one of the 8 foots fitted with a coloured!... The other 8 foot I may well fit with the Hungary GE F125W/54 from kev.... The 2 6 foots are still fitted with whites but I plan on digging a Gold and Pink out tomorrow for those two. Then we should have a colourful bedroom! Even found space for a bit of radar red in the lovely 2ft 40w.... Closest coloured I can get for my 15w AS450 is one of the Atlas cooker tubes from Andy vicar.

So in the 2ft 20w Crompack we have BLI RED
BC fitting a Atlas super five pink 65/80W
Crompack 3 8ft 125w Thorn Rosetta Pink
Fitzgerald LP75 will get a Thorn Gold
thorn AS450 has a Atlas 15w cooker tube
Fitzgerald LP30 has a BLI 30W T12 Blue
SRS crompack from Amtrak Andy will be fitted with a thorn 6ft pink
Atlas grey body Popular pack fitted with Atlas S5 Green
Crompack 2ft 40w Fitted with Radar Red
Crompack 8ft 85w fitted with GE F125W/54

Re: Shame 8ft coloureds were never made.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:44 pm
by Nick217

Re: Shame 8ft coloureds were never made.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:04 am
by Danny
Once I've dug out the 6ft gold and pink I'll do a video. Don't wanna do pics whilst it's still in complete as it'll spoil it :)

Re: Shame 8ft coloureds were never made.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:14 pm
by Funkybulb
They are some colored 8 foots in USA
Maybe u should import some in?

Re: Shame 8ft coloureds were never made.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:37 pm
by Danny
Tbh Jeremy I'd love to but I don't think it's worth it incase they get broken.