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Philips Salina plant is closing

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:09 pm
by Funkybulb
This is going be a big blow to the US fluorescent
User in the US, as it was one of last T12
Fluorescent lamp makikg in the US that Philips
Made on Westinghouse machinery . It stop production some tine in 2nd quarter 2021.
Then Hand keys over to great plains earth moving
Equipment maker. ... ing-plant/

Re: Philips Salina plant is closing

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:04 pm
by FrontSideBus
Sad news but not unexpected these days.

Re: Philips Salina plant is closing

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 3:49 pm
by Slyspark
No, sadly in this age of 'LED is amazing and does everything and lasts for ever and.....' not surprising at all. What is surprising is that T12 manufacturing has gone on for quite as long as it has there, not something we've had here for a while now. Despite the MANY failings of LED, in a decade, it'll be the only form of lighting anyone knows (unless something comes along in turn to replace it). Other than us collectors, no-one will know what any of this older, decent, reliable stuff even is in a few decades.