Continuously changing the speed of the suction blowers of the medical storage kitchen by using a simple dimmer

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Continuously changing the speed of the suction blowers of the medical storage kitchen by using a simple dimmer

Postby dor123 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:52 pm
How it is possible? No variable frequency drive used.
I love see run-up and hot restrike of HID lamps, mainly on timed ignitors, and spectra of metal halide lamps.
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Re: Continuously changing the speed of the suction blowers of the medical storage kitchen by using a simple dimmer

Postby Ash » Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:13 pm

The dimmer-like controller reduces the power to the motor, so its available torque drops and it would tend to stall

A motor driving a load with any significant mechanical load would indeed stall

A motor moving air is a bit of special case. The air resistance to the spinning of the fan blade drops very rapidly with the reduced speed (something like to the 2nd or 3rd order iirc), so it doesn't resist much to the motor anymore. As result, the motor can just about keep going in this reduced speed, reduced torque, and very high slip mode

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