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Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:37 am
by Slyspark
Decided I wanted a change from the colour Philips made Osram L40w/23-2 tubes in my 2' twin Thorn flameproof fitting to something a bit cooler, so popped in the pair of Northlights I got at the meet before last. Turned it on - nothing. This is after I'd bolted the bloody thing back together again, so already annoyed. Closer investigation reveals both ends of one tube glow orange, the other tube, just one end does. if I take this out and put one of the Osrams back in, it fires up no problem. Shame, cos it looks odd with 2 different coloured tubes in it. So much for some 'cooler' lighting in my office :( Annoyed now cos it's not like there are tons of Northlights out there. In fact, these are the only 2 tubes I own in that colour. Bugger.

Re: Noooooo!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:30 am
by Danny
Thorn northlights im guessing

Re: Noooooo!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:15 pm
by Slyspark
No, they're Philips.