North Lincolnshire's going LED

Anything at all to do with street lighting! Thats everything from vintage to modern! Their control gear, columns or just anything you need help with! You name it, post it here!
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Re: North Lincolnshire's going LED

Postby fluorescent » Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:35 am

I've noticed a few signs around here are no longer lit since the LED street lights have been installed.

North Lincolnshire's LED upgrade/downgrade/side-step is now in full swing! Last week on my way to work I saw the street lighting guys hammering the shit out of a Philips MA90 (I think?) that must have been seized onto the pole, driving home down that same road was a bit saddening under that seemingly dull, harsh & glaring cold light.

Also I drove up a local dual carriageway, 'Mortal Ash Hill', a couple of weeks back that I used to drive up and down every day before I moved house. It was previously lit with some huge LPS fixtures but spaced fairly far apart, it's now LEDs on the same poles and it really doesn't work well, it's a patchy mess with pretty much complete darkness between the poles which wasn't the case with the LPS fixtures.
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Re: North Lincolnshire's going LED

Postby Flurofan96 » Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:42 am

Has all of Lincolnshire gone 100% LED???

My hometown, Reading has gone fully LED but I have seen missouts too of SOX lanterns!!
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Re: North Lincolnshire's going LED

Postby fluorescent » Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:05 am

The majority of the local area that I frequent is now LED, my village was one of the last to be done in fact (it was SON before).

There's still a few LPS, SON and CMH fittings on back roads and in architectural/decorative fittings still dotted about, but it's a rare sight now.
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Re: North Lincolnshire's going LED

Postby Slyspark » Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:36 pm

So far, the LED plague has missed us here in Surrey, save for roads that come under Highways England and a few 'test locations' that SCC have installed Axias in. ALL of the Axias have LED's out on them already. Otherwise it's all SON, Cosmo and 55w PL-L as all the lighting was only upgraded a few years ago. Sadly tho, the council are making more and more noise about replacing the 'inefficient' lighting we have with LED and have managed to find a spare £20M to do this (pity they can't find any money at all to fix the roads). Sad thing is, the lighting we have now is only about 5 yrs old and was installed under a PFI contract. This means that even if it's replaced, we'll still be paying for it for the next 20 yrs under the old PFI contract. Seems crazy to replace virtually new lights, all of which work, just for the sake of it, especially when they complain they have no money to deal with the tons of other things (like the fact about 80% of rainwater gullies in the roads here are full to the top with crap). Priorities.....
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Re: North Lincolnshire's going LED

Postby Flurofan96 » Sun Aug 25, 2019 10:37 am

The councils are being plain stupid and should fix the roads instead of splashing out the money on LED lighting! I want to drive on a safe good condition road under quality streetlighting and LED is not one of them

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