AEI Series 2 F2060 replica starter
I decided on the 23/11/14 to make a replica starter for this rather unusual fitting. By sourcing the needed parts, which was the wedge base from a LED car light, and the glow bottle of a starter, i was ready to go. So i carefully dismantled an Eveready starter, making sure i keep the length on the glow bottles leads. I then had to lengthen the wires further by removing the wires from the capacitor. I then twisted the wires together, which lengthened the glow bottle leads by a considerable amount, then adding solder to the join for a good continuity. To finish, i pushed the wires through the base and pushed the completed assembly into the socket.
Here is the stater in action, glowing a lovely blue colour as it begins heating the tube for striking. Incidentally, i also caught the tube lit as well. You can only imagine my surprise when this Frankenstein starter actually worked, but this now means the fitting is working as original.
Never have seen a starter setup like that before