Halloween Lights 2016
A view of my Halloween decorating this year
Orange icicle lights at the top are standard incandescent mini's (as are the pumpkins inside the windows). Purple lights outside around the windows are LED mini's. The bright yellow-ish glob is a 4' 40w gold fluorescent.
All of this (including the fluorescent) was on a control circuit so it faded on/off together)
And not seen since they were inside the front door: a 2x40w 4' Red and a 2x40w 4' BLB (the BLB fixture also being part of the fade on/off setup)
That'll be kept for Christmas
I believe Halloween's always been a bigger thing over here than for you guys? But even here there was a time when people didn't really decorate for it. These days its deff more common to see, and there's always "that one house" in every neighborhood that goes all out. (but most people still only hand out candy, & maybe a pumpkin on the porch)
My little decorating in the pic there was one of just a few on my street that did any decorating at all.