Thorn KSP London Line new diffuser, end view
21'st January 2012, my first fluorescent fittings entered the collection. In amongst them was this Thorn KSP London Line fitting, with its completely yellowed and destroyed diffuser. For years I had tried to find a replacement, but such is the obscurity of these fittings, a new one was impossible to find.
I decided replication was the way to go here so sourced a pop pack diffuser thanks to Kevin. I then took both diffusers to a local plastic firm to begin the process of replication. Unfortunately the pop pack diffuser wouldn't bond to their plastics, hence the prismatic sides having to be abandoned. I instead decided to have opal sides, keeping the prismatic front.
3 days later, the diffuser was made and is now home, and what an incredible job it is. I actually prefer the opal sides to the prismatic ones. One small niggle is the patterned side is on the inner face, not the outer face like the original was. Its completely transformed the light though, so restoration is to begin very shortly to bring the whole fitting back up to factory condition.