JSB Alstalux AZ1281, open
Recently I finally added a bulkhead I had been wanting for a while to the collection. This JSB Alstalux AZ1281 was a lucky find, and comes complete and brand new, with its box and a Thorn 2D lamp. The bulkhead is the largest of the two sizes, and I was rather surprised by it, measuring at 380mm, bigger than my Coughtrie CPS48, at 368mm. The Thorn lamp is a worker, as expected, however for lit pics I used a Sylvania, to try and preserve this elusive lamp.
Opening the bulkhead for the first time brought about two surprises, the first being that the gear tray actually occupies the whole diameter width of the fitting, obviously increasing light output tenfold. It also revealed this rare Thorn EMI 2D lamp, still in unopened packet. I've since placed this out of harms way into the collection, and a GE Starcoat has now taken its place.