Twin 8w starter less gear layout
To the unassuming eye this is just a regular fluorescent bulkhead, however once opened and the gear tray pulled out you can see why its not. Its with huge thanks to Danny for allowing me the opportunity to finally wire in these two JSB starterless ballasts into a bulkhead where they actually fit nicely. There's ample room for a third ballast, but the likelihood of another turning up is very small, owing to the seemingly overall rarity of the ballasts.
The screws that secure the gear tray to the base and the cover screws were missing. Whilst the cover screws were simple to replace, the four for the gear tray required a small insert in the base, also missing. To get round this I simply heated some hex nuts up with the blowtorch and melted them into the plastic. They're surprisingly solid, which is good cause I can now install the bulkhead no issues.
The gear trays wiring has been done to my usual over the top OCD standards, with each wire being bent carefully so all bends are 90 degree's, and that the wires align with each other. I don't know why or where this OCD came from, its likely due to having an eye for even the smallest details that can be missed or overlooked. As expected, the ballasts start tubes exactly the same as any other quick start ballast, and even with some EOL tubes that won't strike or light on SS gear, these get them going no issues, so I think these will be brilliant for frying tubes.