Schreder Sapphire 2 with a SON-T 150W, cycling in green at the playground of Lilenblum street, Kiryat Ata
I watched this video that I captured at the playground of Lilenblum street before uploading it to Youtube, and found that after the lamp that cycles in green warming up and extinguish at 1:21, from 1:21 to 1:55 the ignitor ignites it and the lamp glowing dimly and at 1:44 the ignitor lights the full mercury discharge directly from its pulses (50 pulses/sec), but unable to stabilize it so that the ballast would take over the discharge, so at 1:55, when the ignitor get silent, the discharge extinguish.
At 2:55 the ignitor pulsing until 3:10. during this period, the arctube remains completely dark.
At 5:10 the lamp finally restrikes and warms up and at 5:47 it shuts off completely.
As the ignitor have such complex timed pulsing, I think it is not Philips but Tridonic and anti-cycle pulse ignitor, from the powerPULSE series. Unfortunately, I don't find information about it in Google, and I don't remember how the ZRM 4000, which is the last model of anti-cycle pulse ignitor of Tridonic, working.