Hotel Lighting - 1980s style
A couple of snaps from my annual trip up to the Mercure hotel in Livingston for a convention. It's quite an unusual place in that it seems to have avoided much in the way of refurbs so far - and while slightly threadbare in a few areas is generally in good order - very few lights out in the place anyway. Think the only LEDs I've seen in the place are a couple of MR16 downlighters and a couple of replacement emergency fixtures.
It's a nice place to stay - and the staff get a definite mention for coping with the number of folks we had there - we'd filled the entire hotel and then had overflow at a nearby Travelodge, yet they still managed to keep up and keep a smile on their faces.
Always worry that next year I'll find the place renovated and full of LED trash though!
Fittings are by and large Thorn made.