Goto be cheaper than £15 every 18 months!30 viewsamtrakuk
Some Eveready 40 watt ES10 viewsamtrakuk
The Wonders of LED lighting30 viewsamtrakuk
Think a few more and I'll be set ;)32 viewsamtrakuk
Aldi (Crystallite) Squirrel Cage lamp17 viewsamtrakuk
Aldi (Crystallite) Squirrel Cage lamp10 viewsamtrakuk
Nice to see some Crompacks still in use 27 viewsamtrakuk
Which one of these Santas have gone all LED?21 viewsamtrakuk
EU Ban on Inkandescent and Halogen lamps - Their second attempt27 viewsamtrakuk
Funny Ad for Philips LED20 viewsamtrakuk